Export Mysql ke CSV dengan PHP
1. Form yang akan di gunakan untuk penempatan tombol export
2. File Export.
di dalam form :
<form action="<?php echo $base_url; ?>extoexcel2.php" method='post' id='formsearch-exportformat'>
::: extoexcel2.php adalah file proses untuk mengeksport mysql ke csv
tombol export di masukkan ke dalam form diatas
Download File : <input type="submit" name="export" value="CSV Export" class="btn btn-success" />
isi file extoexcel2.php seperti dibawah :
<?phpinclude_once "koneksi.php";// ====================================================================================$c = mysqli_query($konek, "select * from daftarkaryawan");if (isset($_POST['export'])) {$delimiter = ",";$filename = "exportdtkar_" . date('Y-m-d') . ".csv";//createfilepointer$f = fopen('php://memory', 'w');//column headers:$headers = array('idkaryawan','almat','nohp');fputcsv($f, $headers, $delimiter);//// Output each row of the data, format line as csv and write to file pointerwhile ($b = mysqli_fetch_assoc($c)) {$idkar = $b['idkaryawan'];$almt = $b['alamat'];$nohp = $b['nohp'];$linedata = array($idkar,$almt,$nohp);fputcsv($f, $linedata, $delimiter);} //end of loop// Move back to beginning of filefseek($f, 0);// // Set headers to download file rather than displayedheader('Content-Type: text/csv');header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="' . $filename . '";');//output all remaining data on a file pointerfpassthru($f);// exit;}
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