How To Change Blogger Favicon (Blog Icon)

Favicon (Icon Blog). Blog icon (favicon) is an icon / image / photo that appears in the address bar if we open a blog or website. For more details, if we open a blog on blogspot so that appears is usually the standard icon that looks like this
, Now it's clearly not what the blog icon (favicon)?

If you want to be different, the icon of a case that can be changed according to our taste. To make it, firstwe have to to provide images that will be installed. for this we can create an image of type gif, jpg, etc with a small size, about 30x30 pixels or 20 x 40. do not be too big because it will aggravate the blog loading.
Then upload your images on sites like upload photo. If you have uploaded, capture and store the image in notepad.
URL examples more or less like this picture.
if the preparation is complete, do the following:
Search, find codes <b:include data='blog' name='all-head-content'/>
use CTRL + F on the keybord. if you have found, copy the code below:
<link href='' rel='shortcut icon'/>
and paste the below code
<b:include data='blog' name='all-head-content'/>
The red paper with the URL of an image change that you'd save in notepad.
If you do not want complicated to make its own icon. I just use the icon provided below:
Please try
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